
About Us


Welcome to BulletinGuru, your favorite source for informative and latest news coverage. We are passionate about providing accurate and engaging content that keeps you informed and inspired. Our team of dedicated journalists is committed to bringing you the latest stories from around the world, covering a diverse range of topics for a wide audience.

Many expert writers work tirelessly day and night to create this news blog. We are committed to provide national, international, user interest information, funny news, astrology news, business news, sports news, lifestyle news etc. and accurate news.

BulletinGuru Our Special Work

BulletinGuru:- At BulletinGuru, our mission is clear – to provide our readers with the news that matters. We strive to be a reliable and trustworthy source, delivering news stories with integrity, fairness and a commitment to the highest journalistic standards. We believe in the power of information to empower and enlighten individuals, fostering a more informed and connected global community.

At the time of planning of this website, all the owners and writers were completely sure as to why this news website was created. Social Media News and Technology User satisfaction is our priority, this was the only reason why this brain child took almost a year to take shape. BulletinGuru aims to provide users with information that helps them in daily life, as well as content that provides entertainment and satisfies the desire to read.

What sets BulletinGuru apart

1. Accuracy and Reliability:
BulletinGuru understands the importance of accurate and reliable reporting. Our team of experienced journalists and fact-checkers work tirelessly to ensure that the information we provide is trustworthy and reliable. We recognize that your time is valuable, and we strive to make our content informative and engaging. Whether you prefer reading, watching or listening, we have a variety of formats to suit your preferences.

2. Diverse Perspective:
BulletinGuru values diversity and inclusivity. We actively seek out stories from diverse perspectives, voices, and fields to provide a holistic view of the world. We believe that a diversity of voices enriches the understanding of complex issues.

3.Attractive and accessible content:
We recognize that your time is valuable, and we strive to make our content informative and engaging. Whether you prefer reading, watching or listening, we have a variety of formats to suit your preferences.

On this website you will get all types of latest news and information-

1.Entertainment News
2.All sports
3.Tv show
4.Technology news
6.Share Market

BulletinGuru Team:-

Behind Bulletin Guru is a diverse and talented team of journalists, editors and content creators who are passionate about the stories they bring to you. With expertise in a variety of fields, our team is dedicated to delivering high-quality content that informs, entertains and inspires.

Tomeshwar Pawade

Dhananjay Belekar

Stay connected :-

Connect with us on social media to stay updated with the latest news and connect with our vibrant community. Whether it’s breaking news, in-depth features, or thought-provoking opinions, BulletinGuru is your destination for news that matters. Thank you for being a part of the Bulletin Guru community. We look forward to continuing our journey together, providing you with the news you need in a rapidly evolving world.

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